Clomid works by competing, or binding, with estrogen receptors at the hypothalamus. When these receptors are occupied, the hypothalamus "measures" lower estrogen levels and thus releases GnRH, which causes the pituitary to increase FSH production. Clomid and HCG are also occasionally used periodically during a steroid cycle, in an effort to prevent natural Testosterone levels from diminishing. In many instances this practice can prove difficult however, especially when using strong androgens for longer periods of time.
Bodybuilders find that a daily intake of 50-100 mg of clomiphene citrate over a two week period will bring endogenous Testosterone production back to an acceptable level. Clomid will gradually raise Testosterone levels over its period of intake. Bodybuilders seldom report any problems, but listed possible side effects do include hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches and temporarily blurred vision. Such side effects usually only appear in Females however, as they feel the effects of estrogen manipulation much more readily than men.
Estrogen is responsible for a number of anabolic factors such as increasing growth hormone output, upgrading the androgen receptor and improving glucose utilization. This is why aromatizing steroids like Testosterone are still best suited for maximum muscle gain. Estrogen as well inhibits the production of natural Testosterone, and in the period between the return of natural Testosterone and the end of a cycle, a lot of mass is lost. So its in everybody's best interest to bring back natural test as soon as humanly possible and the use of Clomid is a very good choice for this.
Learn more about Clomid