Other brand names:
Epistane , Havoc, Hemaguno
What is Epistane?
Epistane is one of the newest designer steroids on the market today, and it is gaining attention very quickly. Epistane is actually a methylated version of the controlled substance Epitiostanol (2�,3�-Epithio-5�-androstan-17�-ol), which was created in the 1960's and used as a treatment for breast cancer. Since the only place Epitiostanol is only availabe at this time is in japan, chemists added a methyl group to the compund and the final product was a substance now known as Epistane. Epistane is a sulfur containing steroid which is known to have strong and long lasting anti-estrogenic activity as well as weak androgenic and mytropic activities.
What you can expect?
Since it is designed to be anti-estrogenic you can expect very dry gains from this compound. Epistane has low androgenic to anabolic activity. This meaning that it is much more anabolic then androgenic. Thus making sides very minimal to non existant from this substance. Also one of the great properties of this substance is that it does a great job in keeping the natural suppression of the gonads away. Since it has anti-estrogenic properties it keeps your LH levels elevated and it is also said both through science and human trial that epistane may have the ability to reduce gyno. This is still a widely debated outcome of epistane but is actually showing more and more positive results as it becomes more popular. Even though users will see dry gains on epistane it does not mean that it would be any insufficient for a bulking cycle. In fact it would be beneficial because it would generate lean gains. Through research it is reported that most users who have taken this substance have gained anywhere from 5-12 lbs in a 3-5 week cycle. Now in my opinion epistane would be better in a cutting cycle to keep the body dry while preserving and potentially add more lean muscle tissue.
Most users run epistane for 1-6 weeks using a dose between 10 and 60 mgs.
You should not run this substance for longer than 6 weeks.
A recommended beginner cycle would be starting at 10 mgs for the first 2 days of the cycle and then running it like this for the rest of the cycle.
Week 1: 10 mgs for the first 2 days then increasing the dose to 20 mgs.
Week 2: 20 mgs
Week 3: 30 mgs
Week 4: 40 mgs- This week should be optional depending on how your body reacts.
While taking epistane you should be aware that it is a methylated compund therefore you should not exceed the proper dosing.
What needs to be taken with Epistane?
Even though epistane has very minimal side effects, you should still use the proper support supplements to make sure your body stays in good health throughout the cycle. Since Epistane is methylated, milk thistle is highly recomended to protect the liver values. It would also be wise to get blood work done after completing a cycle.
Red Yeast Rice- This product is a Fermented Rice product that basicly protects your cardiovascular system from any damage Sostonol that may come from Sostonol.
Celery Seed- Acts as an anti-oxidant which helps reduce blood pressure and also can aid the liver on cycle.
Hawthorne Berry: Also very useful to lower BP and keep it on check. A great on cycle supplement.
Dosage 1000mg ed on cycle.
Milk Thistle (80% standardized Silymarin)- This should be taken all the way through. It should be started as a pre load and be taken all the way through PCT(Post Cycle Therapy).
Also you may want to look further into these products to help with blood pressure and cholesterol regulation / liver and support:
Liver: K-R-ALA, NAC ( N-Acetyl-Cysteine), Lecithin
Cholesterol: Sesathin, Guggul, CoEnzyme Q10*, Flax Seed Oil, Safflower Oil*, Policosanol*, Niacin, Garlic, Pantethine
Blood Pressure: Coenzyme Q10, Garlic ,C-12 Peptide, high-dose vitamin B6 and vitamin C.
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
Even though epistane does have anti-estrogenic properties, it does not mean that PCT should be avoided. A proper SERM will make sure that your natural hormone levels are back where they were before the cycle.
Here I have outlined the basic Clomid and Nolvadex doses for a proper cycle of Sostonol.
Basic Post Cycle Therapy:
Note: You only need to use one of these serms.
Day 1: 300mg
Day 2-11: 100mg daily
Day 12-21: 50mg daily
week 1: 150mg
week 2: 100
week 3: 50
week 4: 50
If you do not want to use Clomid then:
Week 1 (or 2): 40-50 mg daily.
Week 2 (or 3) through week 4 (or 5): 20-25mg daily.
week 1: 40mg daily
week 2: 40mg daily
week 3: 20mg daily
week 4: 20mg daily
I would definitely recommend epistane for both amateur and experienced AAS users because of it's greal lean muscle building properties. Even though it is a great substance to use on its own, I think it would be beneficial to add another substance like Prostanozol, or 1,4 AD which is not a methyl and stack the two. The reasoning behind using a non-methyl while stacking is because epistane is already metyhlated and could be dangerous if used with a methylated Prohormone/Designer Steroid like Superdrol or Halodrol.
We at http://www.hormone-expert.com have no affiliation with IBE or any of the companys which make the products that we write about. All information here is real and written for the benefit of our users.