Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Choices on Infertility Drugs

Infertility drugs are normally employed in conjunction with other infertility techniques when a couple or a person is diagnosed of infertility.

Since infertility by nature is a complex condition, many methods are required before any possible diagnosis is created. Without the extensive and comprehensive procedures that delve into even the smallest details of the condition, diagnosis may be impossible. Thus the impossibility of creating a treatment program for the patients.

If in case a woman is said to have problems associated with ovulation, it is likely that she would be prescribed of ovulation infertility drugs. The main underlying principle of which is for ovulation stimulation.

The initial step may be marked with the use of clomiphene. If this doesn't work, the patient may move to more advanced form of treatment like the use of HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin that is normally employed in combination with other infertility drugs.

Clomiphene or Clomid while being more popular with Female infertility treatment is also used as an effective prescription with male-associated infertility. Clomid is the pioneer in the industry. While its use may be traced for as far as some thirty years ago, no major complications are yet discovered that are closely connected with the use of the drug. In fact, cases of birth defects, complications in pregnancy and difficulty of labor are not evident when this infertility drug is used.

Clomiphene is a prescription-only drug, which appears in tablet forms. HCG, on the other hand, is used only as injection under the strict guidance of a physician.

Administration of Clomid will increase the presence of hormones responsible in ovulation. It affects the workings of the four major reproductive hormones namely follicle stimulating hormone or FSH, luteinizing hormone or LH, estradiol and gonadotropins.

HCG is sold under brand names like Profasi, Gonic and Pregnyl. This works on both male and women infertility. For males, HCG increases the production of androgen while it helps release more estrogen in women.

HCG is linked with weight loss though. However, there are still no evidences that will prove these assertions. Thus, the use of HCG in such programs is questionable.

Other synthetically prepared hormones like Urofollotropins are used in inducing ovulation.


When under an infertility drug treatment, be sure to disclose all necessary details to your physician. These include information like medical history, other drugs presently used, details on known origin of infertility like childhood diseases and ailments and others.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Infertility, please visit infertility.articlekeep.com