As a father of an 18 year old daughter, as of this writing, I know very well what it's like to have difficulty having a child. It took my wife and I 4 years to conceive. Infertility is not something you think about until it affects you. Then, it's the only thing you can think of. It consumes your whole world and every waking minute is spent trying to figure out what the problem is. This article is going to give you the straight facts on infertility and hopefully lead you to some help in the process. There are natural treatments for this problem that are quite effective. Having that child you want may only be a few minutes away.
First thing we need to establish is what exactly infertility is. Technically, it is the inability to become pregnant after at least one year of trying to do so. Honestly, I don't know how they come up with that timeline, but that's the technical definition for whatever it's worth to you. I guess you could then say that my wife and I had some real problems.
Okay, so what exactly causes infertility? Unfortunately, there isn't just one cause and in many cases, it's a number of factors. One of the statistics that can't be ignored is that it seems that as women get older, they have a more difficult time getting pregnant. So obviously, age is a factor. When you compare the stats, 5% of women under 20 are infertile, to 30% of women over 35 are infertile, that's not something you can ignore.
But it's more than just age. Another common cause of infertility is vaginal or cervical infection. If these infections are not treated, they can work their way up into the fallopian tubes and cause serious, and sometimes irreversible damage.
Then of course, there is the way we live. They say you are what you eat. Well, the way many of us eat, it's a miracle that we have any children at all. Statistics show that women with eating disorders have a terrible time getting pregnant. In addition to food, there are the problems associated with smoking, drinking, taking drugs and stress. All of these contribute to infertility problems. Plus, women who are either very overweight or underweight usually have a difficult time getting pregnant.
And with all of this, we've only scratched the surface when it comes to infertility problems. Some women simply have abnormal hormone levels, which can be too high or too low and caused by a number of factors, not the least of which is a variety of diseases. When our hormone levels are not right, this leads to difficulty in getting pregnant.
Finally, with all the talk about environmental toxins, studies indicate that the very air that we breathe may be contributing to the infertility problem that we are facing in this polluted world of ours. For example, in lab studies, scientists have observed that the average sperm count of a normal healthy male has significantly decreased in this century, not just in the United States, but all over the world.
There is no question that infertility is a problem. However, you don't have to take dangerous infertility drugs like Metrodin, Pergonal, and Clomid in order to get pregnant. There are better ways. In my signature you'll find a site that can lead you to some answers that don't require the taking of harmful drugs.
That child you want can be a reality before you know it.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
Please visit my site at where you can find an excellent resource in the products section for dealing with infertility.You can also get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a 52 week series on a different ailment and treatment each week.