Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Ovarian Cysts - Their Symptoms And Treatment

Situated in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus, the ovaries belong to the Female reproductive system. Having the aspect of an almond, the ovaries are responsible with the production of Female hormones and eggs.

The Female experiences every month during the menstrual cycle a process called ovulation. In this process, the egg is traveling from the ovary to the uterus, through the fallopian tube. It is also known that the ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen. These are hormones that have a role in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy and also influence woman's development of breasts, body hair and body shape.

On the ovary can appear a lot of types of cysts. During the menstrual cycle, there can appear cysts, that are called functional cysts. Woman's ovaries grow each month little cysts, that have the role of holding the eggs, and when the egg is mature, it will be released from the fluid-filled sac that forms the cyst. Then, the egg travels for fertilization through the fallopian tube and the sac dissolves.

A follicular cyst is a type of a functional cyst, and it appears when the sac continues to grow and doesn't break open to release the egg. Frequently, this cyst goes away in one up to three months.

If, after revealing the egg the cyst doesn't dissolve and seals off, fluid will build up inside of it. That is called a corpus luteum cyst, and usually disappears after a few weeks without any treatment. It is possible that this cyst will cause pain and will bleed, and it can grow up to four inches. There are some known drugs such as Clomid or Serophene that can raise the risk of developing this type of cysts.

Other types of cysts are endometriomas, which appear when tissue from the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. These cysts can be painful during menstruation or sex, and they look like a form of growth, attached to the ovary.

Cystadenomas are cysts that develop from the cells situated on the outer surface of the ovary. They can cause pain, become large, and are often filled with a sticky gel or a watery fluid.

Dermoid cysts can form from the cells situated in the ovary that are able to make teeth, hair and other growing tissues, are large and painful.

Cysts can form also where there are polycystic ovaries .There, the sac doesn't break open to release the egg, follicles are growing continuously inside the ovary when the cycle repeats, determining the apparition of cysts.

Very often, women do not know they have a cyst, because they have no symptoms, but sometimes, a cyst may cause weight gain, abnormal bleeding and painful menstrual periods, pain or pressure in the abdomen or during sex, breast tenderness or vomitation.

Other symptoms are also sudden severe abdominal pain, faintness, dizziness or rapid breathing. It is very important to go to the doctor as soon as you discover any of these symptoms.

Because there are not always symptoms, cysts are discovered by chance, usually during a routine pelvic exam. The doctor will perform an ultrasound control, and so, he will find information about the shape, size and composition of the cyst. The doctor might want to check the hormones level as well, or to take more tests.

By taking a blood test, the doctor will measure the substance called CA-125, because high level of that protein may indicate ovarian cancer. The CA-125 test is usually recommended for women aged over 35, who have a cyst partially solid. It is also known that non-cancerous diseases, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis can cause an increased level of CA-125 protein.

If there is found a cyst, there are a few steps that must be made. Sometimes, you don't need to do anything than wait and get more examinations, because it is possible the cyst to disappear. This happens especially at young women, who have no symptoms, and have a fluid filled-cyst.

If the cyst doesn't go away in a few months, causes pain, got larger or looks unusual at ultrasonic examinations, the doctor may need to take it off.

A surgery procedure is laparoscopy. This is suitable for small and benign cysts. The doctor is making a small incision above or below the navel, and a small instrument, like a telescope and which has some tiny tools is inserted into the abdomen, and the cyst can be taken off.

Laparotomy is used when the cyst is larger and suspicious. The doctor is making bigger incisions in the stomach, so he will be able to remove the cyst. If the analyses will show that the cyst is cancerous, the doctor might need to remove the ovaries and other affected tissues too.

Birth control pills are a solution that the doctor may prescribe if a woman frequently develops cysts, to prevent her ovulating and developing new ones.

It is very important for women to take periodically medical exams, because often cysts produce no symptoms, and are found only by chance.

For more info about pain from ovarian cyst or even about ruptured ovarian cyst please review this page

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Living With PCOS

Affecting between 5-10% of women in the United States, PCOS (a.k.a. Stein-Leventhal Syndrome) refers to a condition that primarily affects those between the ages of 15 to 30 years, and occurs when there is an imbalance within a woman's endocrine system resulting in cystic build up within the ovaries. The imbalance includes higher than normal blood levels of estrogen, Testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and decreased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). As a result of this imbalance, under-developed follicles accumulate in the ovaries, rather than maturing and releasing during ovulation. As the follicles accumulate, cysts are formed producing pelvic pain. Further, due to lack of ovulation, those with PCOS often suffer from pelvic pain, irregular menses (periods), and may have difficulty getting pregnant.

Insulin resistance appears to play a key role in PCOS. In addition to other hormones, insulin helps regulate ovarian function. When someone has insulin resistance, cells throughout the body do not readily respond to the insulin within the blood. As a result, the insulin level within the blood remains high. These high levels may contribute to lack of ovulation, high androgen levels, infertility, and early pregnancy loss. High androgen levels correlate with weight gain, acne, decreased breast size, and increased hair growth in areas that are typical to males (face, chest, abdomen, and back). This is referred to as Hirsutism. Having insulin resistance also contributes to high levels of glucose and lipid levels within the blood, placing a person at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Pharmacologic Treatment

As there is no cure for this condition, the primary goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms of PCOS. Pharmacologic options to treat symptoms, available from your health provider, include birth control pills, Spironolactone (a drug that promotes fluid loss .a.k.a. diuretic), and Flutamide ( which blocks the activity of Testosterone). Additionally, Metformin (Glucophage) has been shown to lower insulin levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and helps women regain regular menstrual cycles.

If pregnancy is desired, fertility drugs are usually considered. These include Comiphene (a.k.a. Clomid- which induces ovulation) and other more-potent ovulation-inducing medications. These drugs are not without risk, and must be prescribed and carefully monitored by a licensed healthcare professional who has special training in the field of reproductive endocrinology.

Alternative Treatments

Studies have shown that weight reduction (through dietary changes and regular exercise), as little as 5% below baseline, can effectively treat menstrual irregularities, problems getting pregnant, and high insulin levels. Dietary measures include limiting simple carbohydrates, and focusing on small frequent meals high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, common in the Mediterranean diet (oily fish, nuts, and olive oil) have been shown to greatly benefit patients with PCOS.

Additionally, moderate exercise, of 30-60 minutes per day, should be incorporated into a treatment plan. Recommendations include walking, jogging, swimming, or biking. However, any exercise that causes you to reach your target heart rate for the recommended time (50-85% of resting heart rate) can be beneficial. The American Heart Association recommends the following target heart rates based on age:

Age                  Target Heart Rate

20 years 100-170 beats per minute

25 years 98-166 beats per minute

30 years 95-162 beats per minute

35 years 93-157 beats per minute

40 years 90-153 beats per minute

45 years 88-149 beats per minute

50 years 85-145 beats per minute

55 years 83-140 beats per minute

60 years 80-136 beats per minute

65 years 78-132 beats per minute

70 years 75-128 beats per minute

Finally, alternative treatment options for those with increased facial hair growth include measures such as shaving, bleaching, electrolysis, and laser therapy. A small Turkish study indicated drinking spearmint tea, twice a day, may also help to reduce hirsutism. Currently, studies using acupuncture to treat PCOS are being conducted. As always, contact your physician or nurse practitioner to discuss the best treatment option for you.

Susan Quinn, R.N. B.S.N -

Endometriomas And Laparotomies

A continually growing cyst in a woman who has been on oral contraceptives for at least several months should be investigated to rule out tumor. Because women on oral contraceptives should not ovulate, they should not develop functional cysts, therefore we're going to be looking at other types of cysts - the endometriomas, the cystadenomas, the dermoid cysts, occasionally polycystic ovaries, and rarely the cancerous cysts.

Another thing, intrauterine devices, so things like Marina by Berlex, the old Copper Sevens, various intrauterine devices which are pieces of plastic, plastic and metal, plastic and metal secreting hormone, put into the uterus which through a complex mechanism causes no - basically causes no conception. And these are not - and I repeat are not associated with any increase in cysts, any increase in tumors. There absolutely is - it's a non-event. Some women have a problem with intrauterine devices causing pain, and I don't doubt that.

I've had to remove many of them, because the uterus contracts and it can cause pain. It doesn't have to be right in the middle, can cause a right side, left side, but it is not causing a pathologic problem, something that's going to develop into something. I've noticed some of your questions here, and I think some of these are important to hit on as part of this. And one question by one of your listeners was, am I able to have children if I have ovarian cysts? Absolutely, there's no decrease in fertility if you have a diagnosis of ovarian cysts. The only case would be again, the endometriomas which are going to be - which is endometriosis in the wrong place if it's associated with infertility. We can treat that, we can treat it with medication, reverse that process, and start the ovulation. The other case would be polycystic ovaries. These are not usually large cysts, but again the polycystic ovaries are associated with infertility. Again, treatable, and in fact in cases where just diet is not going to reverse if there are certain drugs that can cause ovulation, or you can take Clomiphene, Clomid, it causes one to ovulate.

It can break that vicious cycle of not ovulating, and oftentimes it's very effective. Pregnancy usually does occur, and in rare cases there are certain surgical procedures on the ovary, very simple, that can stop the polycystic ovary disease symptom of not having periods. So that's reversible. So how hard is it to get pregnant with a cyst? It's easy. I mean you better have a cyst or you probably are pregnant because you're going to have to have a follicular cyst, although you might not see it.

A large cyst, some of these other cysts as we said can prevent pregnancy, but once they're removed or taken care of, it's not going to affect fertility, it's not going to affect a pregnancy outcome. You can have normal periods after a cyst. The only time your periods are usually abnormal is with endometriomas or polycystic ovary disease which we've talked about, and can be rectified. One woman notes that she had a cyst on her left ovary and she's 12 weeks pregnant, and wanted to know if this will affect the unborn child.

Dr Christopher Freville ponders upon the question - she has given us a little bit of information. We already know from our discussion, what have we learned today, that cysts on an ovary are common. In fact they're often necessary because the corpus luteum cyst of pregnancy is a functioning cyst necessary for the pregnancy and will not affect the unborn child at all. If it was a cyst - and sometimes I might add that cysts show up during pregnancy that don't go away. What do we do about those? Well, we have a large cyst that shows up on exam, or shows up on ultrasound that does not go away, then it is mandatory that this woman have operative intervention, have a laparotomy.

Laparotomies do not cause an increase in miscarriages, do not cause an increase - any child birth defects. It's just unfortunate complication unrelated to the pregnancy, but just as women are going to develop any of these cysts, women pregnant can develop any of these cysts. When they're found they need to be taken care of because the persistent cysts during pregnancy - during delivery could cause a problem with the delivery, and we don't want that. So as soon as you find out something during pregnancy we take care of it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What You Need To Know About Infertility

As a father of an 18 year old daughter, as of this writing, I know very well what it's like to have difficulty having a child. It took my wife and I 4 years to conceive. Infertility is not something you think about until it affects you. Then, it's the only thing you can think of. It consumes your whole world and every waking minute is spent trying to figure out what the problem is. This article is going to give you the straight facts on infertility and hopefully lead you to some help in the process. There are natural treatments for this problem that are quite effective. Having that child you want may only be a few minutes away.

First thing we need to establish is what exactly infertility is. Technically, it is the inability to become pregnant after at least one year of trying to do so. Honestly, I don't know how they come up with that timeline, but that's the technical definition for whatever it's worth to you. I guess you could then say that my wife and I had some real problems.

Okay, so what exactly causes infertility? Unfortunately, there isn't just one cause and in many cases, it's a number of factors. One of the statistics that can't be ignored is that it seems that as women get older, they have a more difficult time getting pregnant. So obviously, age is a factor. When you compare the stats, 5% of women under 20 are infertile, to 30% of women over 35 are infertile, that's not something you can ignore.

But it's more than just age. Another common cause of infertility is vaginal or cervical infection. If these infections are not treated, they can work their way up into the fallopian tubes and cause serious, and sometimes irreversible damage.

Then of course, there is the way we live. They say you are what you eat. Well, the way many of us eat, it's a miracle that we have any children at all. Statistics show that women with eating disorders have a terrible time getting pregnant. In addition to food, there are the problems associated with smoking, drinking, taking drugs and stress. All of these contribute to infertility problems. Plus, women who are either very overweight or underweight usually have a difficult time getting pregnant.

And with all of this, we've only scratched the surface when it comes to infertility problems. Some women simply have abnormal hormone levels, which can be too high or too low and caused by a number of factors, not the least of which is a variety of diseases. When our hormone levels are not right, this leads to difficulty in getting pregnant.

Finally, with all the talk about environmental toxins, studies indicate that the very air that we breathe may be contributing to the infertility problem that we are facing in this polluted world of ours. For example, in lab studies, scientists have observed that the average sperm count of a normal healthy male has significantly decreased in this century, not just in the United States, but all over the world.

There is no question that infertility is a problem. However, you don't have to take dangerous infertility drugs like Metrodin, Pergonal, and Clomid in order to get pregnant. There are better ways. In my signature you'll find a site that can lead you to some answers that don't require the taking of harmful drugs.

That child you want can be a reality before you know it.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

Please visit my site at where you can find an excellent resource in the products section for dealing with infertility.You can also get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a 52 week series on a different ailment and treatment each week.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How Useful Are Fertility Drugs?

Fertility drugs aid people who are not able to produce children spontaneously. If you are one of these people, then you will want to talk to your doctor about your options.

Taking these drugs for infertility problems is usually the first step in treatment. There are several kinds of drugs that are available and you just need to find out which one is the right one for you and your situation. Your doctor will either be able to help you with this or point you in the direction of a specialist that can.

Drugs for infertility issues should only be prescribed by doctors who specialize in the treatment of infertility. Just like all medications, these drugs can cause side effects and you will need to be monitored closely by your doctor while you are taking them.

Some of the more popular and well-known drugs are: Follistim, Clomid, Repronex, Gonal-F, Brayelle, Menopur, Progesterone, Lupron, Metformin and hCG. The drugs act as hormones and they stimulate the ovaries to release eggs.

This enables the eggs to be ready for fertilization, so these hormones basically enable the woman to ovulate. One of the biggest concerns about these drugs is that they have caused many instances of multiple births.

This is due to the fact that they stimulate the ovaries to release more than the normal one egg that is usual during ovulation. There are more eggs available for fertilization, which means that more babies are likely to be created.

Fertility drugs are considered relatively safe, although some scientists have said that there is an increased chance of a woman getting ovarian cancer while using them. However, this has not been completely substantiated.

The chance of becoming pregnant with more than one baby increases the chance of something going wrong during the pregnancy. As the number of fetuses increase per pregnancy, so does the risk for complications, which can lead to miscarriage and premature labor.

Fertility drugs are also being used to treat the causes of male infertility. These drugs usually work, especially if a man has a low sperm count, or slow moving sperm. They can sometimes help to the point that the man is then able to fertilize his partner's eggs the natural way, or if this is not possible, at least allow the doctor to collect his sperm to use to artificially inseminate his partner.

Most of the fertility treatment drugs can help with low quality sperm, slow moving sperm and not enough sperm. However, if there are other factors, such as low quality sperm or just an allergic reaction to his sperm by his partner, then other avenues will have to be explored.

If you think that you are a good candidate for fertility drugs, then you need to discuss this with your doctor. If you do research and have your health care professional help you and guide you though the process, then it will make your life much easier.

There are many different types of drugs available to aid with infertility and it can be a big undertaking to research the pros and cons of each one that your doctor might recommend. Researching is going to be some of the best spent time for you as it pertains to your future reproductive health and pregnancy chances.

Mike Selvon portal offers free articles on infertility. Find out more about fertility drugs, and leave a comment at the pregnancy blog.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Male Infertility Treatments

Some causes of male infertility are sometimes correctable. A varicocele may be surgically repaired to improve fertility. Treatment with antibiotics of a chronic infection can enable a previously infertile man to become fertile. In some situations where substance abuse is a contributing factor, it may be essential for the male to abstain entirely from alcohol and/or other drugs and to join self-help groups in order to do so. Re-evaluation of medications prescribed to treat a chronic illness may produce positive results. A careful study of the man's exposure to occupational hazards such as radiation, lead, or dangerous pesticides may indicate a possible solution through change in employment.

In other cases, administration of various hormones can increase a borderline sperm count or suppress sperm antibodies enough to make conception possible. These hormones include Testosterone, thyroid hormone and cortisone. In some situations clomiphene citrate (Clomid) or human menopausal gonadotropins (Pergonal), medications that are used to induce ovulation in infertile women, may also be given to a man whose pituitary deficiency is the cause of his inability to father an offspring. In vitro fertilization, originally used more for Female infertility, is being used increasingly for the treatment of male infertility.

What is being described as a revolution in treating infertile men originated in Belgium in 1993, when researchers produced several successful pregnancies by the direct injection of a single sperm cell into a human egg in a Petri dish. The important discovery was that men who had no viable sperm in their semen often had at least a small number in their testes. The problem was that getting the sperm out of the testicles required a very expensive operation and an extended hospital stay.

In 1995, American researchers found a much easier and cheaper way to extract the sperm: by aspirating them through a thin needle in a procedure that can be done in the doctor's office. Even though the needle aspiration is not very expensive, it has to be combined with in vitro fertilization and the direct injection of sperm into eggs. The combined procedures, known as intracytoplasmic single sperm injection (ICSI), can cost as much as $15,000, an amount not likely to be covered by insurance.

The extraordinary advantage of this new development is that it has reduced fertilization to getting the sperm's genes into the egg. It doesn't matter whether the sperm can swim vigorously or even if it can penetrate the egg's outer layer. All that matters is that it is alive. Dr. Richard J. Sherins, director of the male infertility program at the Genetics and IVF Institute in Fairfax, Virginia and the developer of the aspiration technique, believes that it should be of the greatest use to the approximately ten million American men who have had vasectomies. This is encouraging news because while the vas may be surgically repaired, this does not always result in the resumption of fertility. And according to the "New York Times" (6/19/95), even though the method is expensive, it has resulted in a diminishing market for sperm donors both in this country and Europe.

Michael RussellYour Independent guide to Infertility

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How To Use Anadrol Steroid

Anadrol is the strongest and also the most effective oral steroid. Anadrol has an extremely high androgenic effect which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component. Anadrol is the U.S. brand name for oxymetholone, a very potent oral androgen.

This compound was first made available in 1960, by the international drug firm Syntex. Since oxymetholone is quite reliable in its ability to increase red blood cell production (and effect admittedly characteristic of nearly all anabolic/androgenic steroids), it showed particular promise in treating cases of severe anemia. For this reason, dramatic gains in strength and muscle mass can be achieved in a very short time. An increase in body weight of 10 - 15 pounds or more in only 14 days is not unusual. This item is shown to have a much more direct effect on the red blood cell count, without the side effects of a strong androgen.

Anadrol is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid available, with results of this compound being extremely dramatic. A steroid novice experimenting with oxymetholone is likely to gain 20 to 30 pounds of massive bulk, and it can often be accomplished in less than 6 weeks, with only one or two tablets per day. This steroid produces a lot of trouble with water retention, so let there be little doubt that much of this gain is simply bloat. But for the user this is often little consequence, feeling bigger and stronger on Anadrol than any steroid they are likely to cross. This will allow for more elasticity, and will hopefully decrease the chance for injury when lifting heavy. It should be noted however, that on the other hand the very rapid gain in mass might place too much stress on your connective tissues for this to compensate. Pronounced estrogen trouble also puts the user at risk for developing gynecomastia. Individuals sensitive to the effects of estrogen, or looking to retain a more quality look, will therefore often add Nolvadex to each cycle.

Clearly if this is the case we can only combat the estrogenic side effects of oxymetholone with estrogen receptor antagonists such as Nolvadex or Clomid, and not with an aromatase inhibitor. The strong anti-aromatase compounds such as Cytadren andArimidex would similarly prove to be totally useless with this steroid, as aromatase is uninvolved.

Anadrol is also a very potent androgen. This trait tends to produce many pronounced, unwanted androgenic side effects. Oil skin, acne and body/facial hair growth can be seen very quickly with this drug. Many individuals respond with severe acne, often requiring medication to keep it under control. Some of these individuals find that Accutaine works well, which is a strong prescription drug that acts on the sebaceous glands to reduce the release of oils. Those with a predisposition for male pattern baldness may want to stay away from Anadrol 5007 completely, as this is certainly a possible side effect during therapy. And while some very adventurous Female athletes do experiment with this compound, it is much too androgenic to recommend. Irreversible virilization symptoms can be the result and may occur very quickly, possibly before you have a chance to take action.

HOW TO USE ANADROL: Anadrol is unfortunately also the most harmful oral steroid. Its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Since it is I 7-alpha alkylated it is very liver toxic. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. An increase in liver values of both the enzymes GOT and GPT also called transaminases, often cannot be avoided. Elevated GOT and GPT values are indications of hepatitis, i.e. a liver infection. Longer intake and/or higher doses can cause a yellow discoloration of fingernails, eyes, or skin jaundice). This is because oxymetholone induces an increase of biliburin in the liver, producing a bile pigment which causes the yellow discoloring of the skin. The liver enzyme gamma-GT also reacts sensitively to the oxymetholone, causing it to elevate

Other possible side effects may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, lack of appetite, insomnia, and diarrhea. The athlete can expect a feeling of "general indisposition" with the intake of Anadrol which is completely in contrast to Dianabol which conveys a "sense of wellbeing". The increased aggressiveness is caused by the resulting high level of androgen and occurs mostly when large quantities of Testosterone are "shot" simultaneously with the Anadrol. The body's own production of Testosterone is considerably reduced since Anadrol has an inhibiting effect on the hypothalamus, which in turn completely reduces or stops the release of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). For this reason the intake of Testosterone stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid is absolutely necessary to maintain the hormone production in the testes.

ANADROL DOSAGE: As for the dosage, opinions differ. A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0,5 - 0,8 mg per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 1-4 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day. We are of the opinion that a daily intake of three tablets should not be exceeded. Those of you who would like to try Anadrol for the first time should begin with an intake of only one 50 mg tablet. After a few days or even better, after one week, the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals. Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 220 pounds can increase the dosage to 150 mg/day in the third week.Athletes continue their treatment with injectable Testosterone such as Sustanon or Testosterone enanthate for several weeks. Bodybuilders often combine Anadrol with Deca-Durabolin or Testosterone to build up strength and mass. Anadrol is to be taken seriously and the prevailing bodybuilder mentality "more is better" is out of place.

Trivial name Oxymetholone

Systematic name 5-alpha,17-beta-Androstan-3-one, 17-hydroxy-2-


CAS number 434-07-1

ATC code A14AA05

Merck Index Number 7036

Chemical formula C21H32O3

Molecular weight 332.477 g/mol

Bioavailability 95%

Metabolism Hepatic

Elimination half-life 9 hours

Excretion Urinary: 95%

Pregnancy category X

Routes of administration Oral

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Fertility Options: An Introduction

For couples facing a diagnosis of infertility, the array of options can be staggering. Not only are you trying to deal with a maelstrom of emotions, you're faced with technologies, costs, and possible drug regimens that could confuse the best of us. The purpose of this article is to introduce you to some of the options available to have a child. Although childlessness is an option, that will be dealt with in a separate article.

One of the first but often ignored decisions to consider is whether or not you want to actually carry and give birth to a child, or do you simply want a child?

For those who may not be as concerned with the personal experience of pregnancy, adoption and third party surrogacy both present themselves. A wide selection of adoption programs now exists, depending on whether you would like to adopt a baby, an older child, or a child from overseas. Costs will also vary widely according to the program, as will the selection criteria.

Surrogacy may involve someone carrying a child that is genetically yours (in instances where a woman has problems carrying a fetus to term), or a child that is the result of a donor. As with adoption, costs and legal restrictions vary according to state and situation so be sure to do your research.

For many women though, the desire to experience pregnancy itself means that they wish to consider one or more of the multiple technologies now available. Perhaps the first method tried by many couples is the use of fertility drugs such as Clomid. These drugs are designed to hyperstimulate the ovaries, with the intended result being that more eggs are released, thus increasing chances of fertilization. Fertility drugs may be orally administered or injected. Side-effects vary to nonexistent to severe bloating and nausea.

The use of donor sperm or eggs is always an option, depending upon a couple's desire to experience pregnancy versus the desire to carry a child that is one's own genetically. Egg donation is now widely practiced. The donor eggs are matched with the sperm in a lab, implanted and closely monitored to see if successful, and thus a pregnancy will result.

Obviously, laboratories play an increasingly significant role in the pursuit of a modern pregnancy, as is evidenced by the use of IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization), ZIFT (Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer), and GIFT (Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer). Which of these processes will be used depends upon the functionality of the woman's own reproductive system and the advice of a medical specialist.

None of these options can be discussed at great length within this short article. However, this should give you a cursory idea of just some of the options available to you. As always, your best bet is to discuss your options with a medical professional, your partner, and any other support networks before you make your choice. Research, research, research, and the best of luck!

Fiona Young-Brown is a Life Coach, specializing in guiding women and couples through the emotional rollercoaster of infertility. She has carried out extensive graduate research into the personal fertility experience, and can provide a supportive, outsider perspective. For further information, visit her at

Herbal Supplements - Regulate Ovulation

Of the many factors leading to failed conception, ovulatory disorders count as the foremost cause of infertility among women of reproductive age. Scientific research points out the need to modify diet and lifestyle in order to lower the risks of infertility. But then again, as long as the nature of sterility is not structural, there are a number of ways to correct ovulatory disorder infertility. One of those ways is using fertility herbs and reproductive herbal supplements.

Ovulation is triggered by the release of FSH and LH hormones with the pituitary gland where a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and releases an egg halfway through the menstrual cycle in order to commence the process of reproduction. But then it happens that a woman experiences a state of anovulationdue to an endocrine disorder termed as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which manifests either in instances of altered menstrual cycles or perhaps in the absence of ovulation per se. Due to the hormonal nature of this condition, hormonal shots as well as ovulation inducing medication such as Clomid and Repronex are often prescribed. However, due to the related risks of acquiring Ovarian Carcinoma and cancers, many are turning to natural remedies for the treatment of this disorder. And despite the contention of medical practitioners over the use of herbal medicine, testimonies of successful conception have actually been reported to support the efficacy of fertility herbs and herbal supplements in the restoration of reproductive health.

A popular fertility herb is Chaste Tree Berry, a general Female tonic known for its ability to stimulate the production of progesterone and other vital hormones. Other fertility herbs often combined with Chaste Tree Berry in a potent herbal mixture or with an herbal supplement formula include the root of Wild Yam, which likewise promotes ovulation, a known fertility booster, or the herb Korean Ginseng, and the Black Cohosh, which aids in hormone functioning. But why bother with the intricacies of preparing herbal extracts and tinctures when at an affordable price, you can get the same benefits from a bottle of herbal supplement, such as Fertile XX, that has been pre-formulated with standardized measures of the above mentioned potent herbs; these are usually more effective than the administration of either whole herbs or home concocted herbal extracts.

The foremost benefit of an herbal supplement formula rests in its ability to naturally stimulate the adrenal system for the production of vital hormones pertinent to ovulation and full term pregnancy. Moreover, the herbal extracts encompassing herbal supplements work in synergy to correct hormonal imbalance and improve systemic functioning with the overall intention of enhancing a womans reproductive health.

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting

Monday, June 30, 2008

New Infertility Drugs Can Help Overcome Infertility

There are infertility drugs that you and your partner and doctor can consider depending on what the problem might be. Here is the list of some of the infertility drugs that may help.

* Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) comes in tablet form and is available only with a physician's prescription. Human chorionic gonadotropin is given as an injection, only under a physician's supervision.

* Clomiphene citrate is used to increase the natural production of the hormones that stimulate ovulation in otherwise healthy women. When clomiphene is administered, the body produces higher levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and gonadotropins. These hormones induce ovulation.

* Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is sold under many brand names including Gonic, Pregnyl and Profasi. This hormone stimulates the gonads in both men and women. In men, hCG increases androgen production. In women, it increases the levels of progesterone. Human chorionic gonadotropin can help stimulate ovulation in women.

* Although some people believe that hCG can help lose weight, there is no evidence that this hormone offers any benefit in weight loss programs. It should not be used for this purpose.

* A number of other natural and synthetic hormones are used to induce ovulation. Urofollitropins (Fertinex) is a concentrated preparation of human hormones, while follitropin alfa (Gonal-F) and follitropin beta (Follistim) are human FSH preparations of recombinant DNA origin. Developments in this field are continuous. For example, in June 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a follitropin beta injection in individualized doses for women to self-inject.

* Menotropins (Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex) are given with human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate ovulation in women and sperm production in men.

Recommended Dosage

The dosage may be different for different patients. The physician who prescribed the drug or the pharmacist who filled the prescription will recommend the correct dosage. You need to follow these directions and not take any more or any less that what is recommended.

Clomiphene must be taken at certain times during the menstrual cycle and patients should follow directions exactly.

Note: Treatment with infertility drugs increases the chance of multiple births.

Having intercourse at the proper time in the woman's menstrual cycle helps increase the chance of pregnancy. The physician may recommend using an ovulation prediction test kit to help determine the best times for intercourse.

People who have certain medical conditions or who are taking certain other medicines may have problems if they take infertility drugs. Before taking these drugs, patients should tell the physician about any of these conditions.

You can also find more info on Infertility and Female Infertilty Treatment. is a comprehensive resource to know about Infertility.

Mass Building Steroids You Need to Know About

When it comes to building mass and strength with the help of legal steroids, there are three compounds, when combined together, can't be beat. Sustinon, Dianobol, and Dekka have been known for decades, as one of the best mass building steroid cycles available. All three steroids work well together and have their own unique properties. Below you will find information about all three and how they are commonly stacked for ultimate results. You can't be without them if you are serious about building muscle mass.


Sustinon, is a combination of 4 different Testosterones in one. It has short acting Testosterone, which provides immediate results, as well as long acting Testosterones. By combining short and long acting Testosterones, a user will not only see faster results, but will see increasing results until the cycle is discontinued. Omandren is a similar steroid as it too uses the same four Testosterones in its blend. A good beginner steroid cycle of Sustinon is 250mg, taken once a week, for 8 weeks. Popular brand names of Sustinon include Organon, Infar, Karachi, Cyctahoh (picture), and Durateston.


Dianobol is a great steroid for immediate mass and strength. A steroid user will see results in only a few days with approximately 5 pounds of weight gain achieved after one week. A user will see some water retention arise from Dianobol if an anti-estrogen is not taken. This steroid is added with Sustinon because it is even faster acting and adds amazing mass and strength. A common Dianobol cycle dosage taking is 25-30mg a day, dividing the dosage into three, and taking it at the same intervals throughout the day. Popular brands of Dianobol are pink pentagon Anabols from Thailand (picture), Naposims from Romania, Bionabol from Bulgaria, Russian dianobol and Ttokkyo dianobol from Mexico.


Dekka is a great base steroid for any mass cycle. Dekka is great for adding strength as well as size. Dekka is known for its ability to keep muscle gains after cycling and to relieve joint pain. It is one of the most popular steroids of all time. A common dosage for Dekka is 200-300mg a week for 8-10 weeks. Common brands of Dekka are Norma Hellas, Organon, and Karachi.

Combining these three steroids, a first time user can put on as much as 30lbs over 8 weeks. The user can expect to lose some of the weight due to water retention. Clomid as well as other anti-estrogens should be on hand at all times.

To read complete legal steroid descriptions for the legal steroids mentioned above, visit our main page at

Alexei Matthews has won the Mr. Texas bodybuilding contest three times and is regarded as an expert on legal steroids. He regularly consults with to ensure product safety and effectiveness.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Infertility Treatment for Both Men and Women

It's hard to rear a child, let alone produce one!

This is the status that each infertile couple has to face with every day of their lives not until they pursue infertility treatments. This normally is the classic story. An infertile couple will discover that they are incapable of conception. Then they would have to endure emotional stress because of the condition. They will decide on what to do and will end up at the door of a physician who they think will largely help solve their case. Then the physician will offer infertility treatment options and the story goes on while they seek probable procedures.

Sometimes this story results to success and more often to failure.

They say, infertility is a condition that is totally out of control of the couple. God gives people their wants if they need them. What if a couple wishes for a child and they were not supposed to have one? Will they get it? Well, no one knows actually. The best that the couples can do is to seek medical treatment.

Nearly all infertile couples pursue medical intervention to help them with infertility. Here are some of the methods widely used in the industry.

This infertility treatment has its focus on patients that are capable of ovulation, only their system is a bit impaired. Normally, infertility drugs are used to induce the stimulation of follicles in creating multiple egg cells.

Though known for its effectiveness, ovulation induction still entails risks like the development of ovarian cysts and multiple childbirth. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is rare but once it develops it will cause symptoms like extreme pain around the pelvic area, chest and abdomen, weight gain and several others.

An inexpensive form of infertility treatment is facilitated by means of infertility medications. The typical constituents of this option are the administration of Clomid and Femara, both are known for their efficiency in stimulating ovulation and setting the balance in hormones.

For male patients, there are not as much options as there are in women. For the present, there still exists no technology that will alter the nature of the sperm inside the male's body. The nature we are pertaining to here is the natural state (including the abnormalities) of sperm samples retrieved from the patients. Sperm problems like inability of producing or lack of sperm cells, impaired motility and low sperm count are among the most common. Unfortunately, all that medical science can do is to make the most out of them.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Infertility, please visit

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Herbal Supplement - Regulates Ovulation

Ovulatory disorder reckon as the leading reason of childlessness amongst Females of reproductive era. Methodical investigate point out the necessities to adjust starve and way of life in sort to minor the danger of childlessness. Subsequently once more, if the natural world of childlessness is unstructured, here is numeral of traditions to accurate ovulatory disarray childlessness. Use productiveness aromatic plant and reproductive herbal supplement.

Ovulation is generated through the discharge of LH as well as FSH hormones by means of pituitary gland wherever a grown-up ovarian follicle splits and discharge egg middle during the menstrual rotation in sort to originate the procedure of replica. However it take places so as a Female understanding a position of an ovulation because of endocrine disarray known as Polycystic Ovarian disorder, which apparent moreover in occurrence of distorted menstrual rotations or maybe in the deficiency of ovulation for each second. Because of hormonal environment of this circumstance, hormonal blasts medicines for instance Clomid and Repronex are frequently given. Conversely, Because of the connected threat of obtaining Ovarian cancers, a lot of are revolving to normal medication designed for the healing of this disarray. And in spite of the controversy of medicinal practitioners make use of herbal medication, testimony of victorious commencement enclose really been testimony to hold up the efficiency of productiveness herbs and herbal supplements in the reinstatement of reproductive strength. You can find lots of supplement reviews online which will help you a lot to find the accurate one for yourself.

A well-liked productiveness herb is Chaste Tree Berry, an all-purpose feminine energizer recognized for its ability to arouse the construction of progesterone and additional essential hormones. Supplementary productiveness aromatic plant frequently collective with Chaste Tree Berry in a powerful herbal blend or by an herbal supplement formula contain the root of natural Yam, which equally encourage ovulation, a recognized productiveness vaccination, or the Black Cohosh and Korean Ginseng herbs which give support to hormone operation. Females can acquire the similar advantages as of a bottle of herbal add-on, for instance Fertile XX, which has been pre-formulated by homogeneous actions of the above stated powerful herbs.

The primary advantage of a natural supplement method breaks its capability to logically arouse the adrenal organism for the construction of essential hormones related to ovulation plus full time pregnancy. Furthermore, the herbal extracts helps in to accurate hormonal disparity and pick up universal performance by means of the general purpose of ornamental a woman's reproductive fitness.

Read out for Supplement Reviews. Check out Supplement Reviews Blog and Weight Loss Supplements

Friday, June 27, 2008

Irregular Menstruation Can Cause Infertility

It's estimated that about one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to Females.

30 to 40 percent of these cases are caused by irregular or infrequent ovulation and menstruation.

The good news? Nearly all infertility issues caused by irregular menstruation are treatable.

Don't run straight to the Clomid, though. Before automatically treating ovulation problems with fertility drugs, have a doctor rule out any other medical condition which might be causing irregular menstruation. Diabetes, liver diseases, and hormonal imbalance resulting from abnormalities in the thyroid can all cause irregular menstruation.

Along with sperm deficiencies, ovulation abnormalities (specifically, irregular menstruation) account for two-thirds of infertility problems. A condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the more common underlying causes of ovulation problems and/or infertility. It affects approximately 5-10 percent of women in their reproductive years. Symptoms of PCOS include:

- Irregular menstruation, abnormal menstruation, or no menstruation

- Being overweight or obese, sometimes even when dieting and exercising

- Insulin resistance, which could lead to the development of Type II Diabetes

- Hair growth on the chest and/or face, due to increased Testosterone levels

- High blood pressure

- Acne

- High triglyceride levels

- Thinning hair

In the past, due to the sheer variety of PCOS symptoms and a wide range in the severity of these symptoms, PCOS was seldom diagnosed. However, recent medical studies have raised awareness of the condition and several courses of treatment are available.

If you've been diagnosed with PCOS and are trying to become pregnant, your doctor may prescribe you a medicine which will induce ovulation. Overweight PCOS sufferers improve their chances of becoming pregnant by losing weight. If elevated insulin levels are to blame for your PCOS, you may be prescribed medicine which will lower your insulin levels. This will make you ovulate regularly and, in turn, regulate your menstrual cycle and increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Unfortunately, there isn't always a clear explanation for irregular menstrual cycles or infertility. Nearly 10 percent of infertility cases go unexplained, although these couples often later succeed in becoming pregnant. External factors like stress often have an effect on ovulation, menstruation, and fertility. Participating in stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga, cutting back on caffeine, or regular exercise can help prevent irregular menstruation. Most importantly, activities like these promote overall health - a must for a comfortable, successful pregnancy!

Helpful information on increasing fertility may be found at

Thursday, June 26, 2008

PCOS Infertility Treatment

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) often results to infertility due to the cyst growth in the ovary. Since the ovarian cells are being replaced by these cysts, it will stunt the growth and release of egg cells therefore, halting your menstruation. So what are the methods for PCOS infertility treatment?

To induce ovulation, doctors often prescribe medications like Clomiphene (Clomid). If the patient does not respond to Clomiphene, they will give hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone) injections to release the eggs. If it still does not work, the doctor usually gives Gonadotropin injections that further make the woman more susceptible for pregnancy.

Other doctors prescribe pills to induce hormones for egg release. The use of metformin (which is insulin sensitive) is often prescribed too.

PCOS is often associated with obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. Consequently, one has to maintain a healthy diet. As much as possible, avoid having too much sugar intake. This will aggravate the PCOS more. It is suggested that you cut off on your carbohydrates and refined sugars. Take only complex whole grains.

Since you are cutting down all your sugars and carbohydrate intake makes you susceptible to hypoglycemia which may lead to another problem. To avoid this, chlorophyll is administered to reduce hypoglycemia without having to increase your glucose level in the body. Other supplements that are classified as insulin resistant are Vitamin B, magnesium, alpha lipoic acid and conjugated linoleic acid. These supplements should be added to your diet.

Furthermore, since stress is also related with hormonal imbalance, it is best that you know how to handle situations that aggravate stress. If you are working, try to relax every now and then. Exercising regularly also lessens the stress.

To augment PCOS infertility treatment, eating healthy also is a plus. Avoid polysaturated fats which are found in junk foods, animals, like veal, beef, pork, lard, lamb, butter, poultry fat, cream, cheese, and whole milk dairy products.


Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.


Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting, relationships and other health related stuffs. To learn more about PCOS infertility treatment - Click Here!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Bodybuilder's Guide To Preventing Acne

Many bodybuilders suffer from acne. Whether it's due to age, high Testosterone levels, the hours of sweating at the gym, or cycling, it's a reality of the sport. The body reacts to androgens and acne is the result. (HCG and Clomid are big offenders.)

Since the purpose of bodybuilding is to make the body look bigger, leaner, and BETTER, a case of bad acne can detract tremendously from a physique. Here are a few techniques that can be used to help stop the pimples from raining on your parade.

- Take frequent showers

- Tan one to two times per week

- Change your shirt frequently - even during long workouts or before engaging in cardio

- Hot shower and Clearasil Soap Scrub immediately after training

- Wash bed sheets once per week

- Locate a DHT (Dihydrotestoreone) blocker or more scientifically called a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor; a natural and well affordable one would be Saw Palmetto, which would also protect your prostate as well...and the more pharmaceutical ones such as Dutasteride- more potent with attendant side effects

- Accutane - a popular mainstream product to look into

- Drink 8 to 16 cups of water per day

- Use lava soap on broken out skin

- Avoid picking at any pimples - the oil on your finger leads to more breakouts.

- Sometimes acne is actually ingrown hairs. An unpleasant but necessary step might be popping them and removing the hair with tweezers.

While it is never a fun or "sexy" discussion, acne affects everyone from teenage newbies to the iron game, all the way up to top professional bodybuilders. Since our skin is effectively the "wrapping paper" for the muscles which make up a great physique, it's imperative that we work as hard on making the skin look good, as we do on the muscles beneath.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

Couples Suffering from Infertility Can Benefit from Egg Donors

In dealing with Endometriosis, I have come to understand the pain and frustration that occurs with infertility. The feeling of being alone and having no one that understands can be a very lonely one. Luckily, there are many treatments for Endometriosis that can help women become pregnant. Unfortunately, there are other women's health issues that can prevent pregnancy. One of those problems includes women that can't produce healthy eggs.

Previously, there were few options for woman that were unable to produce healthy eggs,. There really wasn't much recourse for women (and their husbands) that were looking to start a family, other than adoption. Most fertility treatments, such as Clomid, didn't help because no matter how many eggs were released, they weren't healthy enough to become fertilized or result in a pregnancy.

In recent years, there has been a surge in fertility treatments, including the use of egg donors. Egg donors are rigorously screened for both health and legal reasons. Both medical and psychological screenings are completed before the donors can qualify. These procedures are in place to protect both the donors and those receiving the donation.

Egg donors are typically young women under the age of 30 that are in excellent health, both mentally and physically. Couples seeking information can turn to the internet. There are many excellent websites that are great resources for both egg donors and couples to utilize.

If you or a loved one are dealing with the frustrations of infertility due to poor egg quality, consider an egg donor. There are so many options and alternatives for women with fertility problems - egg donation can be an answer to prayers.

Eva has struggled with fertility problems due to her endometriosis, and has become very interested in finding out more about infertility and solutions, and more specifically, the egg donation industry. She has spent much time researching and studying different types of fertility treatments, and enjoys studying the latest methods of treatment.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Female Infertility Treatments

Once the probable causes of infertility have been identified, treatments can begin. If irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation is the problem, ovulation may be induced with medication. These medications are the well-known fertility drugs. It is important to remember that these fertility drugs are helpful only if the infertility is caused by a problem with ovulation, but cannot help at all if the infertility is caused by something else.

The most commonly used medication to induce ovulation is called Clomid (clomiphene citrate). Through its effect on the hypothalamus, clomiphene citrate stimulates a release of FSH and LH from the pituitary. FSH and LH are the hormones that act on the ovary to cause the ripening and release of eggs. The medication is taken in the form of a pill for five days during the month. Minor side effects include hot flashes and lower abdominal discomfort. Clomiphene citrate substantially increases the chances of having twins by stimulating two eggs to ripen instead of one. It increases the chances of having triplets and quadruplets only minimally.

In the cases when Clomid doesn't work, a second type of fertility medication must be used. This medication is called Pergonal (or human menopausal gonadotropin) and must be given by injection every day until ovulation occurs. This treatment is both costly and time-consuming and a woman must be closely watched for any adverse side effects. By causing several eggs to ripen at one time, the use of this medication can result in triplets or quadruplets. Ultrasound monitoring and hormone testing have helped lower the numbers of unwanted multiple births. Serious side effects of Pergonal include large ovarian cysts and massive shifts in body fluids.

Problems with the fallopian tubes may be treated surgically. The fallopian tubes may have been blocked as a result of a congenital abnormality, scarring subsequent to a previous pelvic infection or to endometriosis, or previous pelvic surgery. Sometimes the fallopian tubes themselves are normal, but adhesions surrounding them prevent the egg and sperm from meeting.

There is a reasonable chance that the surgical removal of the adhesions will improve fertility. Unfortunately, when repairing the fallopian tube requires major reconstructive surgery (tuboplasty), the success rate is much lower. Even when it is possible to open the fallopian tubes, tubal function does not always return to normal and the infertility may persist. Frequently operating microscopes, very fine instruments and lasers are used to improve the success rate of tubal surgery.

An experimental procedure that may eliminate the need for surgery in some cases of blocked fallopian tubes has been adapted from a technique used to unclog coronary arteries. A catheter carrying a small balloon is threaded through the uterus into the blocked tube. When the balloon is inflated, the fallopian tube is stretched and the obstructive tissue is washed out.

Other treatments are available for other specific causes of infertility. For example, treatment of a genital infection may correct the infertility, especially if the partner is treated simultaneously. Sometimes problems with the cervical mucus may be treated by the administration of low doses of estrogen.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Infertility

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Information On The Legal Designer Steroid Know As Epistane


Other brand names:

Epistane , Havoc, Hemaguno

What is Epistane?

Epistane is one of the newest designer steroids on the market today, and it is gaining attention very quickly. Epistane is actually a methylated version of the controlled substance Epitiostanol (2�,3�-Epithio-5�-androstan-17�-ol), which was created in the 1960's and used as a treatment for breast cancer. Since the only place Epitiostanol is only availabe at this time is in japan, chemists added a methyl group to the compund and the final product was a substance now known as Epistane. Epistane is a sulfur containing steroid which is known to have strong and long lasting anti-estrogenic activity as well as weak androgenic and mytropic activities.

What you can expect?

Since it is designed to be anti-estrogenic you can expect very dry gains from this compound. Epistane has low androgenic to anabolic activity. This meaning that it is much more anabolic then androgenic. Thus making sides very minimal to non existant from this substance. Also one of the great properties of this substance is that it does a great job in keeping the natural suppression of the gonads away. Since it has anti-estrogenic properties it keeps your LH levels elevated and it is also said both through science and human trial that epistane may have the ability to reduce gyno. This is still a widely debated outcome of epistane but is actually showing more and more positive results as it becomes more popular. Even though users will see dry gains on epistane it does not mean that it would be any insufficient for a bulking cycle. In fact it would be beneficial because it would generate lean gains. Through research it is reported that most users who have taken this substance have gained anywhere from 5-12 lbs in a 3-5 week cycle. Now in my opinion epistane would be better in a cutting cycle to keep the body dry while preserving and potentially add more lean muscle tissue.


Most users run epistane for 1-6 weeks using a dose between 10 and 60 mgs.

You should not run this substance for longer than 6 weeks.

A recommended beginner cycle would be starting at 10 mgs for the first 2 days of the cycle and then running it like this for the rest of the cycle.

Week 1: 10 mgs for the first 2 days then increasing the dose to 20 mgs.

Week 2: 20 mgs

Week 3: 30 mgs

Week 4: 40 mgs- This week should be optional depending on how your body reacts.

While taking epistane you should be aware that it is a methylated compund therefore you should not exceed the proper dosing.

What needs to be taken with Epistane?

Even though epistane has very minimal side effects, you should still use the proper support supplements to make sure your body stays in good health throughout the cycle. Since Epistane is methylated, milk thistle is highly recomended to protect the liver values. It would also be wise to get blood work done after completing a cycle.

Red Yeast Rice- This product is a Fermented Rice product that basicly protects your cardiovascular system from any damage Sostonol that may come from Sostonol.

Celery Seed- Acts as an anti-oxidant which helps reduce blood pressure and also can aid the liver on cycle.

Hawthorne Berry: Also very useful to lower BP and keep it on check. A great on cycle supplement.

Dosage 1000mg ed on cycle.

Milk Thistle (80% standardized Silymarin)- This should be taken all the way through. It should be started as a pre load and be taken all the way through PCT(Post Cycle Therapy).

Also you may want to look further into these products to help with blood pressure and cholesterol regulation / liver and support:

Liver: K-R-ALA, NAC ( N-Acetyl-Cysteine), Lecithin

Cholesterol: Sesathin, Guggul, CoEnzyme Q10*, Flax Seed Oil, Safflower Oil*, Policosanol*, Niacin, Garlic, Pantethine

Blood Pressure: Coenzyme Q10, Garlic ,C-12 Peptide, high-dose vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Even though epistane does have anti-estrogenic properties, it does not mean that PCT should be avoided. A proper SERM will make sure that your natural hormone levels are back where they were before the cycle.

Here I have outlined the basic Clomid and Nolvadex doses for a proper cycle of Sostonol.

Basic Post Cycle Therapy:

Note: You only need to use one of these serms.


Day 1: 300mg

Day 2-11: 100mg daily

Day 12-21: 50mg daily


week 1: 150mg

week 2: 100

week 3: 50

week 4: 50

If you do not want to use Clomid then:


Week 1 (or 2): 40-50 mg daily.

Week 2 (or 3) through week 4 (or 5): 20-25mg daily.


week 1: 40mg daily

week 2: 40mg daily

week 3: 20mg daily

week 4: 20mg daily


I would definitely recommend epistane for both amateur and experienced AAS users because of it's greal lean muscle building properties. Even though it is a great substance to use on its own, I think it would be beneficial to add another substance like Prostanozol, or 1,4 AD which is not a methyl and stack the two. The reasoning behind using a non-methyl while stacking is because epistane is already metyhlated and could be dangerous if used with a methylated Prohormone/Designer Steroid like Superdrol or Halodrol.

We at have no affiliation with IBE or any of the companys which make the products that we write about. All information here is real and written for the benefit of our users.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Anovulation and Infertility

Many women have abnormal or irregular periods. If infertility becomes an issue, then these irregular periods may be a sign that you are not ovulating normally. If you are not ovulating at all, it is referred to as anovulation.

Many things can affect your ovulation ability. Certain diseases such as diabetes and liver disease can stop you from ovulating. There are also a number of glandular disorders that can halt ovulation. There may be adhesions or other complications with the ovaries themselves. Whatever the reason, it is important to work closely with an infertility specialist to rule out certain disorders before continuing with hormonal treatments for anovulation.

Fertility drugs such as Clomid are fairly effective in stimulating ovulation. The purpose of fertility drugs like Clomid is to block the effects of estrogen in the body. When estrogen is blocked, it simulates the natural drop in estrogen that should be occurring, but may not be, in your body. When estrogen drops, your body produces luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones stimulate the ovaries into ovulating.

Multiple ovulations are common and sometimes multiple births can be expected. Your doctor will monitor the effects of the fertility drugs and adjust the dosage to best suit your needs. Generally, you will start out low and increase over six months until you become pregnant. Different medications may be prescribed if the first one does not seem to be effective.

Some fertility drugs stimulate the ovaries and others actually mature the egg so that it can be released. When given in combination with each other, these can be very effective. Most fertility drugs are administered by injection, sometimes daily, and some are taken orally. Your infertility doctor will take regular blood tests and perform many ultrasounds to monitor your egg development.

Some problems that can occur include bloating and fatigue, irritability and headaches. Sometimes infertility drugs can alter cervical mucus and actually make it a hostile environment for sperm. In this case, artificial insemination can be used to bypass the cervix and fertilize the egg in utero. Intrauterine Insemination, IUI, is the most common form of artificial insemination. This is where sperm is introduced directly into the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes, bypassing any cervical problems that may be present.

In the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, the body produces too much Testosterone and develops an insulin resistance. This causes ovulation not to happen. Your doctor may provide fertility drugs to combat these effects and start ovulation again.

The goal of using fertility drugs to combat anovulation is to get your cycle back on track and get ovulation started. Talk to your infertility specialist about what options may be available to you.

This information is provided by Dr. Eric Daiter MD.

About the Author: Dr. Eric Daiter MD, the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC. Dr. Eric Daiter MD provides information regarding infertility causes, diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Help For PCOS In A Nutritional Supplement?

Medical research is discovering that selected nutritional supplements can be helpful for some women who have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). PCOS is a complex glandular and metabolic disorder that affects 6%-10% of women of reproductive age.

Symptoms of PCOS include infertility, weight gain, acne, excess hair, hair loss, and depression. There is an increased risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and possibly some cancers.

Conventional therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome includes birth control pills, medications and surgery. However, these methods do not provide a conclusive cure for PCOS.

Fortunately, there are natural therapies available that any woman can use such as a healthy diet, plentiful exercise, stress management and nutritional supplementation. One of the nutritional supplements worth considering is NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine).

NAC is a derivative of cysteine, an amino acid found in high protein and other foods. NAC is not found in the diet but is available as a nutritional supplement. It is also available as a FDA-approved prescription drug.

Some medical studies suggest that NAC could have the following health benefits for PCOS women.

It is also available as a FDA-approved prescription drug. Some medical studies suggest that NAC could have the following health benefits for PCOS women.

1) NAC reduces undesirable insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the inability to efficiently utilize the hormone insulin and is now thought to be a primary cause of PCOS. So anything you can do to reduce insulin resistance helps to relieve PCOS symptoms, improve fertility odds, and reduce future risk of diabetes and heart disease.

2) NAC lowers homocysteine. Homocysteine is a blood protein. A normal amount is OK. But women with polycystic ovary syndrome tend to have higher levels. An excessive level of homocysteine is toxic and is associated with heart disease and other health problems.

3) NAC improves the effectiveness of Clomid, a fertility drug. Clomid is often the first thing your doctor will give you if you are trying to conceive.

4) Acting as an antioxidant, NAC may provide reproductive support and improve egg quality.

NAC is considered safe. Consult with your doctor before taking NAC, especially if you are taking the drug metformin. If you are taking a substantial dose of NAC, you may need to reduce the dosage of metformin. Although NAC has not been shown to have any adverse effect on the fetus, you should check with your doctor before taking NAC if you are pregnant. Do not take NAC while also taking nitroglycerin.

How much NAC should you take? The answer to that question depends on your unique health profile and needs. It's best to consult with a qualified health professional for the dose most appropriate for you.

Bill Slater and Dr. Nancy Dunne are co-authors of The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility.Visit to get more information about NAC.Bill Slater is the former co-founder of an integrative medicine clinic and consultant to naturopathic physicians. He has 25 years experience in the holistic health field. Dr. Nancy Dunne is a licensed primary care physician in Missoula, Montana. Since 1989, her specialty is natural medicine for improving women's health, especially PCOS and infertility.

Femara as an Efficient Form of Infertility Treatment

There are two conditions that will identify if there is any need of using infertility drugs. One, if the woman is unable to ovulate therefore there is a need for assisted development of the egg cells. And second if there is a need to increase the chances of pregnancy when a patient already has the capability to ovulate. These are termed as ovulation and superovulation respectively.

Letrozole or Femara is the most recent addition in the long list of infertility medications found in the market today along with already-established medications that come in names like Clomid or Serophene and Gonadotropins.

Letrozole, (the brand name of which is Femara) is primarily a drug used by breast cancer patients. But recently, it came into use in the infertility industry.

In the recent years, Femara has been one of the most efficient infertility drugs. However, recent studies suggest that it is somehow associated with low number of birth defects. Birth defects arise when Femara is used during the period of pregnancy. Yet when administered before the establishment of pregnancy, no adverse consequences are found. Nonetheless, the manufacturer of Femara accepted absolute responsibility over those cases that ended up with birth defects.

Femara works by suppressing the production of estrogen. Thus, creating the effect of producing more hormones that work solely for ovarian stimulation. These hormones namely LH and FSH help in both the processes of ovulation induction and superovulation. As a result, Femara has become widely accepted as an infertility drug.

Treatment using Femara have shown substantially higher rates of success as compared with those produced by other drugs like Clomid. In fact, it is known that while patients have failed to ovulate using other medications, there are still possibilities that they will do when Femara is administered in their case.

Common Side Effects of Femara

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches

  • Hot flashes
  • Advantages over other major infertility drugs

    So far, researches show no cases of miscarriage in women employing Femara in their infertility treatment. Only, the manufacturer advises that once pregnancy commences, the use of the medication must be automatically stopped.

    Unlike with Clomid, Femara is readily released from the body. Thus producing no other effects that might affect the tissues and other organs in adverse manner.

    When administering Femara, there is usually 60 to 80% increase in ovulation possibility. Nonetheless, assurance of pregnancy is decreased by half.

    Women who are able to ovulate normally take 1 tablet of Femara a day. But this dosage may increase depending on the capability of the body to react to the medication.

    This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Infertility, please visit

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    Choices on Infertility Drugs

    Infertility drugs are normally employed in conjunction with other infertility techniques when a couple or a person is diagnosed of infertility.

    Since infertility by nature is a complex condition, many methods are required before any possible diagnosis is created. Without the extensive and comprehensive procedures that delve into even the smallest details of the condition, diagnosis may be impossible. Thus the impossibility of creating a treatment program for the patients.

    If in case a woman is said to have problems associated with ovulation, it is likely that she would be prescribed of ovulation infertility drugs. The main underlying principle of which is for ovulation stimulation.

    The initial step may be marked with the use of clomiphene. If this doesn't work, the patient may move to more advanced form of treatment like the use of HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin that is normally employed in combination with other infertility drugs.

    Clomiphene or Clomid while being more popular with Female infertility treatment is also used as an effective prescription with male-associated infertility. Clomid is the pioneer in the industry. While its use may be traced for as far as some thirty years ago, no major complications are yet discovered that are closely connected with the use of the drug. In fact, cases of birth defects, complications in pregnancy and difficulty of labor are not evident when this infertility drug is used.

    Clomiphene is a prescription-only drug, which appears in tablet forms. HCG, on the other hand, is used only as injection under the strict guidance of a physician.

    Administration of Clomid will increase the presence of hormones responsible in ovulation. It affects the workings of the four major reproductive hormones namely follicle stimulating hormone or FSH, luteinizing hormone or LH, estradiol and gonadotropins.

    HCG is sold under brand names like Profasi, Gonic and Pregnyl. This works on both male and women infertility. For males, HCG increases the production of androgen while it helps release more estrogen in women.

    HCG is linked with weight loss though. However, there are still no evidences that will prove these assertions. Thus, the use of HCG in such programs is questionable.

    Other synthetically prepared hormones like Urofollotropins are used in inducing ovulation.


    When under an infertility drug treatment, be sure to disclose all necessary details to your physician. These include information like medical history, other drugs presently used, details on known origin of infertility like childhood diseases and ailments and others.

    This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Infertility, please visit

    Monday, June 16, 2008

    NaProTechnology In The Ovulation Toolbox

    NaProTechnology is a new approach in obstetrics and gynecology based on the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP). With this revolutionary new approach of understanding and treating the menstrual cycle, we have new ways of addressing problems of the menstrual cycle. One area where NaProTechnology is particularly helpful is when problems of ovulation occur.

    The Conventional Approach

    The conventional concept of an ovulation disorder is when there is a failure to produce an egg which can then combine with the sperm to achieve pregnancy. Why does this occur? Some women produce excessive prolactin, a hormone which is normally used to produce breast milk. High levels of prolactin prevent ovulation. This can be corrected with a drug called Parlodel which reduces the prolactin level.

    Other women may be hypothyroid, meaning they produce limited amounts of thyroid hormone (an oversimplification). The brain tries to stimulate the thyroid gland with thyroid stimulating hormone, which may be elevated in hypothyroidism. Treatment with thyroid medication can correct this problem. If none of the above applies, then ovulation can be stimulated either with an estrogen antagonist (blocker) called Clomid, or with protein hormones which directly stimulate the ovary, which are called gonadotropins. Finally, if all else fails, IVF may be offered.


    NaProTechnology is more comprehensive, because the goal is not only to achieve ovulation, but to achieve good ovulation. By correcting defective physiology, either medically or surgically, the artificial reproductive technologies such as IVF are not necessary. And with this new and broader approach, we are able to develop a much wider range of treatment modalities to help with more subtle difficulties in ovulation. I will bring a few of these ideas together under the title of "The Ovulation Toolbox."

    The traditional drug of ovulation stimulation is Clomid. Clomid is a weak estrogen agonist (enhancer) and partial estrogen antagonist (blocker). It binds to its target site, but only acts weakly. Thus, if no estrogen is around at all, Clomid acts as an estrogen agonist since it will cause more estrogen action than none at all. On the other hand, if a large amount of estrogen is around, then Clomid acts as an estrogen antagonist since it occupies the receptor and causes only a weak response. This drug causes side effects and does not always work. Even worse, and perhaps critical, is the decrease of cervical mucus that is caused by Clomid.

    Understanding the selective action of estrogen is essential, because when it doesn't work, there are other selective estrogen receptor modulators could also be used to stimulate ovulation. Another option would be Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen is also an estrogen antagonist which is a reason why it is used to prevent breast cancer, and also stimulate ovulation like Clomid. Although Clomid can cause thinning of the endometrium, Tamoxifen may actually stimulate growth of the endometrium and there may be better mucus production.

    We can also look to other situations of ovulation compromise, one such common cause occurs in women who do excessive amounts of exercise. When they do excessive amounts of exercise and lose too much weight (for example marathon runners or belly dancers) they may stop ovulating and stop having menstrual periods. A potential mechanism for this can be excessive release of corticotropin releasing hormone which is the brains response to excessive stress. This results in an increased production of natural opioids called endorphins. Endorphins cause reduced production of gonadotropin releasing hormone, which is what stimulates the ovaries, and therefore, the result is reduced ovulation. This mechanism could be blocked with a drug called Naltrexone, which is a weak opioid blocker. It can result in increased ovulation and increased cervical mucus.

    The ideas presented here are just the beginning. NaProTechnology focuses attention on natural procreative techniques that cooperate with the menstrual cycle. This broadening of perspective leads new and novel mechanisms by which ovulation can be treated, only a few of which have been described. These treatments can be entered into The Ovulation Toolbox.

    --Paddy Jim Baggot, M.D.

    Copyright 2006 Paddy Jim Baggot

    About The Author
    Paddy Jim Baggot, MD is a Catholic Physician who is a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Geneticist specializing in preconception health and NaProTechnology, which is a new reproductive science for assisting couples to conceive naturally without the use of artificial reproductive techniques. To read more from Doctor Baggot visit:

    Sunday, June 15, 2008

    Clomid, Metformin and PCOS

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a serious health condition for women that can lead to an unbalanced hormone output, irregular menstrual cycles, fertility issues, changes in one's physical appearance, as well as problems with her heart and blood vessels. The cause of PCOS is unknown and many physicians believe that a combination of causes likely contribute to the overall condition. Some of these likely causes are heredity, genes, insulin, body chemistry and even weight. Additionally, it is not known if the disease is caused by one factor or a combination of issues.

    Women who suffer from PCOS often exhibit the same symptoms:

    - High levels of androgens, which are sometimes called male hormones. Please note that it is not uncommon for Females to produce these male hormones but not in high levels as they occur in women with PCOS.

    - Infertility

    - Irregular or missed periods

    - Many small ovarian cysts

    - Acne, dandruff or oily skin

    - Weight gain

    - Diabetes

    - High blood pressure and cholesterol

    - Thinning or balding hair

    - Thickened or blackened skin on the necks, arms, breasts and/or thighs

    - Pelvic pain

    - Anxiety or depression

    - Sleep Apnea

    It is estimated that as many as one in ten women suffer from PCOS and it can occur in girls as young as ten. PCOS is also the most common reason Females cannot get pregnant. Early diagnosis allows a Female to treat the disease as fully as possible.

    PCOS is a common cause of infertility because affects a woman's ability to ovulate. Typically, the easiest way to treat women who are not ovulating (because of PCOS or something else) is to give them medication that helps them ovulate.

    This is where Clomid and Metformin comes in.

    The two most common forms of medication prescribed for women with PCOS are Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and Metformin (a diabetes drug). The goal of these drugs is to aid women in ovulation and thus make them able to conceive. The two drugs can be used separately or in combination.

    Recent studies have been conducted to determine using Clomid separately, Metformin separately, or both in combination, were better for women with PCOS. These were conducted by the makers of the drugs but one independent study by the New England Journal of Medicine looked at the same issues and came to several interesting conclusions. Most studies indicated that the best first line defense for women who have problems ovulating due to PCOS, is Clomid.

    The pregnancy rate for women taking Clomid was 22.5%. The pregnancy rate for women taking Metformin was 7.2%. Groups taking both together had more ovulations, but pregnancy rates were not significant enough to make taking them in combination a better option than just taking Clomid. The rates of pregnancy success were the same in all groups tested.

    No drug, no matter how good, is complete without side effects. Individuals who take Clomid sometimes suffer from mood issues, headaches, hot flashes, ovarian enlargement and hostile cervical mucous. Your doctor can prescribe other drugs to combat the side effects, including over the counter drugs. Discussing your options with your doctor is the surest way to discover if Clomid can help you with your PCOS and infertility issues.

    For additional information on PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, please visit